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Leer en linea Prince Ibrahim's Favorite (Human Trafficking Series Book 2) (English Edition) de Nancy Hartwell Enonchong Libro PDF, ePub, Mobile

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Prince Ibrahim's Favorite (Human Trafficking Series Book 2) (English Edition) de Nancy Hartwell Enonchong

Descripción - This is the sequel to Harem Slave, but may be enjoyed independently.Tammy Simmons, an all-American girl from Maryland, spent more than five years in slavery on the Persian Gulf, two in private harems, and three in a high-class "gentlemen's club." When she murders a man who has taken great pleasure in tormenting her, she is sentenced to be boiled in oil at a snuff club where rebellious slaves and other criminals are tortured to death as entertainment. She is miraculously rescued by the Ambassador of Cameroon, a member of the club who had fallen in love with her. He takes her as his fourth wife and they return to Cameroon where he is the newly appointed Minister of Foreign Affairs.Tammy is a strong person and has survived her harrowing years in slavery with most of her sanity and her sense of humor intact, but she is facing major adjustments: her recently restored freedom to a confusing and intimidating world, living in a polygamous household, the very public life as wife of a highly prominent personality, and living in Africa, where she has never been before.It's a struggle. She thought she could press a button and be herself again, but it's a lot harder than she figured. Managing money is especially challenging. She keeps going over budget, incurring the wrath of her co-wives. "Try going five years without a penny to your name, surrounded by people who own 747s and yachts and huge estates," she says. "You lose perspective, and what's worse, you don't even realize that you've lost perspective."Readers will cheer her on as she gradually reclaims her rightful place among free people. There are setbacks: she suffers two devastating miscarriages, and the press has a heyday with the fact that the Minister of Foreign Affairs met his most recent wife in a brothel. Further, wife number three, another American, refuses to recognize any difference between being a whore and a slave in a brothel, is horrified to be Tammy's co-wife.Then it develops that Prince Ibrahim, her owner for three years, decides that he wants her back, and tension builds...

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Brief summary of human traficking human trafficking is the recruitment and or the transportation of persons by others using violence or the threat of violence, abuse of authority or domination position, deception or other forms of coercion, for the purpose of exploiting them sexually or economically for the profit or advantage of others, such as recruiters, traffickers, intermediaries, employers, customers or crime syndicates Human trafficking the edition the edition brings you the most comprehensive english news in the maldives via original and timely updates on breaking news, politics, business, sports and lifestyle from across the country and south east asia Pdf human trafficking literature in the past decade a background and purpose human trafficking is a serious contemporary social justice and human rights issue a recent us government report estimated that as many as 27 million persons around the

Detalles del Libro

  • Name: Prince Ibrahim's Favorite (Human Trafficking Series Book 2) (English Edition)
  • Autor: Nancy Hartwell Enonchong
  • Categoria: Libros,Literatura y ficción,Teatro
  • Tamaño del archivo: 10 MB
  • Tipos de archivo: PDF Document
  • Idioma: Español
  • Archivos de estado: AVAILABLE

Download Prince Ibrahim's Favorite (Human Trafficking Series Book 2) (English Edition) de Nancy Hartwell Enonchong PDF [ePub Mobi] Gratis

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Human trafficking series 3 book series kindle edition this is volume three in the human trafficking series, and the companion book to prince ibrahims favorite volume two fabulously wealthy and extremely goodlooking prince ibrahim is obsessed with the female derriere and has invested a fortune and great passion to assemble the finest collection of them anywhere 111 beautiful rears in his fabled harem il giardino posteriore the rear garden Prince ibrahims favorite human trafficking series book 2 prince ibrahims favorite human trafficking series book 2 english edition versión kindle de nancy hartwell enonchong autor visita book depository libros con entrega gratis en todo el mundo kindle direct publishing publica tu libro en papel y digital de manera independiente Prince ibrahims favorite human trafficking series book 2 prince ibrahims favorite is the follow on from harem slave i absolutely loved harem slave and was desperate to hear more about tammy, so this was another marvellous read for me it follows immediately on from where harem slave left off and that should be read first or this wouldnt make much sense

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