LIBRO East is East (Jerwood new playwrights) de Ayub Khan-Din PDF ePub
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East is East (Jerwood new playwrights) de Ayub Khan-Din
Descripción - Críticas ''First plays don't come much better than this... full of intelligence, irresistible laughter and serious promise.' Sunday Times 'A tremendous achievement.. a hugely entertaining, highly involving, emotionally tender, politically inflamed family drama' Time Out' Reseña del editor Re-issue of this intensely likeable best-selling comedy to coincide with extensive nationwide tour from Sept 05 to April 06. In Salford 1970: the Khan children, caught between bell-bottoms and arranged marriages, are buffeted this way and that by their Pakistani father's insistence on tradition, their English mother's laissez-faire and their own wish to be citizens of the modern world. Successfully filmed, after a rags-to-riches stage career that began in Birmingham in 1996, went on to a London premiere at the Royal Court, and culminated in the West End, 'East is East' is a firm favourite with schools and theatres alike. It is one of NHB's top ten best-selling plays. Biografía del autor Ayub Khan-Din was a well-known face on television before turning to writing full-time. He appeared in Coronation Street and My Family and Other Animals, as well as films like My Beautiful Launderette. His other plays - both produced by the Royal Court and published by NHB - are Last Dance at Dum Dum and Notes on Falling Leaves.
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- Name: East is East (Jerwood new playwrights)
- Autor: Ayub Khan-Din
- Categoria: Libros,Literatura y ficción,Teatro
- Tamaño del archivo: 9 MB
- Tipos de archivo: PDF Document
- Idioma: Español
- Archivos de estado: AVAILABLE
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